I.T.C.G. "Attilio Deffenu" - Olbia
The institute is the promoter and coordinator of the M.O.D.E.M. Project.
Very active in the research sector and methodological experimentation in which either scholars and all the staff are involved – in the last 7 years the institute has worked in activities either national (experimentation of new sites addresses and curricula) or trans-national (connect on dispersive teaching in European schools). The ITG Deffenu is also the centre of innovative Resources against dispersive teaching Centre, realized on a project with European Structural Founds. ITCG is the Leonardo Musinet (2001) project promoter and partner of APE project of good practice of Ministry of Labour (2002): it’s the centre of different enterprises concerning the fields of music schools, that has an Auditorium inside the Institute.
Istituto Universitario Audiovisuale (IUA)
Università "Pompeo Fabro" - Barcelona (España)
The institute is formed to act in different areas regarding sound research: synthesis, tweaking, software made for physical model emulations for the knowledge of musical parameters such as melody, rhythm, armony. The centre’s activities are addressed either to experimental music production (the historical Phonos foundation is an integrating part of IVA) or to firms engaged in the planning and building of electronic musical instrument. Yamaha, world leader in this sector, gives orders to the institute various kinds of researches and software. Relevant is the research activity addressed to the analysis and knowledge of musical parameters that managed to work out a program actually used by control firms for copyright, giving an important contribution to editors for the defence and management of copyright. In the Institute operate the most advanced professionals in the musical sector.
French firm founded in march 1995 by Mr. Jean Marc Thiebaud, Steinberg distributor since 1986. The firm has saved up 18 years of experience in the industry and software music sector, becoming the only French firm to show off this profile. It is bound to Steinberg, software world leader for the professionals of the musical industry. At French level, Steinberg has been the first musical software firm to act in this field imposing its trademark and its leading product, Cubase, in the educational sector. Since the last three years, Cubase is the official educational software approved by the French Ministry of Education and Steinberg is the only official partner of the Ministry for the new technology’s sector. Steinberg France also distributes other hardware and software products connected with the world of music.
Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie dell'Informazione, CNR - Pisa The computerART project by ISTI (Institute of Sciences and Technologies of Information) of National Research Council of Pisa, started in the research activity in Muscal Division of CNUCE of which maestro Pietro Grossi, pioneer of computer music in Italy, gave new life in Pisa at the beginning of the seventies. In those years, the years of mainframe computers, the Institutes CNUCE and IEI (Institutes of Information Elaboration) planned and built the first audio synthesizer TAU2 knowing a period of experimentations and diffusion of the new research through seminars and demonstrations on national territory and appearances on RAI radio/tv programs. Main argument was the musical telematic with the realization of a database of musical pieces and relative managing software called TauMus, usable either on local or remote.
With the settling of Research Area of CNR Pisa (year 2000) there has been a fusion of two institutes (CNUCE and IEI) in an only Institute: ISTI that, with more than 150 staff divided in research, technicians and administrators very active on several and different research areas of basic and applied informatics, creates one of the most important pole of Italian Informatics. At the moment the ISTI computerART project is distinguished for the planning of systems for numerical elaboration of audio signals in real-time, the development of sphere and languages for algorithmically musical composition and real-time performance, the planning and realization of recognition systems based on infra-red rays technology and elaboration of real-time moving images.
MIDIware - Roma
Midiware was born in Rome in 1986,the first firm in Italy to import and distribute musical software and hardware. Midiware firm is certainly bound to digital technologies applied to music, in particular for software of sound recording and handling. In the nineties, an Educational division was started with the aim to integrate new informatics technologies in traditional musical didactics systems, used in Music Academies and schools, in private and public schools, in Universities and in formative centres. Through its Educational sector, Midiware organises and administrates courses for Lectures’ and music Schools’ certificates and also is an active part in numerous educational projects in the computer music sphere. The firm is at the avant-garde in the production and use of multimedia musical software and has so established a privileged observation-post on the evolution of professionalism in this sector.
Scienter - Bologna SCIENTER, Research and Innovation for Formation, is a firm that works in the sphere of formative needs analysis, of valuation of formative and educational policies and of innovation of formative processes with the use of ICT; it was founded in 1988 as a non lucrative association. The activities of studies and researches is undividable from experimental projects at local, national and common market level and from technical assistance activity that society operates in Universities, Formation Corporations and provincial and regional Administrative firms.
The principal aims of SCIENTER are:
• Planning, implementation and valuation of distance formative systems and e-learning.
• Quality and certification of didactic materials FAD and acquired competences knowledge through distance formation systems
• Trans-culturally and transfer of innovation in the educational and formative sector
• Connection between research activity and innovation activity in the formative and educative sector
• Application of formation and competences and more generally of work forces and of formation as a developing mean.
Sintagma - Roma Firm founded in 1999, based in the provinces of Rome, is a planning studio of cultural and editorial contents’ system. Consultant and partner of qualified projectual teams in Europe and of public and private institutions and firms (ex: Presidential of the Government Cabinet, MIUR, MBAC, Kataweb, ENEL Group Sphere, Arno Valley consortium, Adarte AC, Monti&Taft, UniRoma III, Teleskill Spa).
The strength of the firm is its knowledge of complex systems, of ICT architectures and and the acquired experiences in synthesis systems’ sector and contents in projectual sphere, formative and editorial on Interactive Communication web (ICN). The firm is expert in analysis and projectation of advanced communication system and managing of web’s contents (special technologies and cultural projects).
MI-7 - Malmö (Sweden) It’s a Swedish firm founded by Per Larsen, that has been working for years in Europe in computer music sector. MI-7 apart from using new “business model” for the traditional distribution of computer music products is at the moment, working on diffusion all over the world of an innovative product that gives the user the opportunity to create a Metafile containing its own audio composition with data, text and even images.
For its own characteristics the firm has a centre role in the diffusion of digital culture in its country and Europe and will be able to participate with competence to the definition of operative necessities of digital music sector and as well as in the projectation of realistic scenery where innovation will shape and form.
Brighton Art Ltd - Brighton (United Kingdom)
Firm that has been expanded for same years in Essex U.K., south east of London, and specialised in managing entertainment projects and digital technology in multimedia installation projects, in audio-visual projects’ management and developing of software and hardware methods and architectural systems projects for the artistic musical live events. Sectors of action are as well as: software engineering with spheres and languages C++ (MSVC, GNU) and Delphi; web programming in ASP, PHP, Javascript, VBScript; Audio-visual performance with Ableton Live and VJamm software. Some of their multimedia installations are established in the most important Modern Art Museums in Europe (Pompidou Centre in Paris and MACBA in Barcelona). |